Dear Grist readers,
Please give to Grist today. It’s our last shot at $25K!
My staff has been struck by a curse:
We have to keep speaking in verse.
But a timely donation
Will offer salvation —
Give now, or this curse will get worse!
Grist readers, at the risk of incurring the wrath of the raven that put this curse upon us, I’m going to break from speaking in verse for just a moment so I can ask you, in all earnestness, to support Grist today with as little as $5.
We gotta get just a few more gifts by midnight to earn an additional $25,000 from a generous donor. We are so close to our goal of 3,000 gifts, and we don’t want to leave that money on the table. Please help us meet our goal and capture the gold. We don’t want to be doomed to meetings like this:
If you value our clever reporting,
And the changes that we are exhorting,
If we’ve made your life better,
And you have some spare cheddar,
Then isn’t this Grist worth supporting?
Chip Giller
Founder and CEO
P.S. Giving online make you a wreck? You’re also welcome to send a check: Grist, 710 Second Avenue, Suite 860, Seattle, WA 98104.
P.P.S. If we reach our goal by May 15, Grist will receive $25,000 from a generous donor.