Winter: The perfect time for drinking tea, binge-watching House of Cards, and knitting a sweater for a snail.
Katie Bradley usually sticks to crocheting cozy sweaters for tortoises, as an avid adopter of rescued tortoises — she has seven. (You may have seen her handiwork here before.) But she had some leftover yarn and whipped it into an itty-bitty snail cozy. ADORBS:
You know, for when your snail is hanging out with your tortoise. It’s important that they match, after all.
Luckily, you can get in on the sweater goodness on her Etsy site if you want your hard-shelled friend to look like a cheeseburger. (Or a taco. Or a reindeer.) Plus, she donates part of her wee sweater earnings to a good cause. As she told GeoBeats News:
10% of the income from my Etsy shop will benefit the International Reptile Rescue in Canby, Oregon. The rest will go towards my own tortoises, as well as future ones I will rescue and rehabilitate.
Just makes you feel all warm and toasty inside, doesn’t it?