Before your breakup.

GizmagBefore your breakup.

Calfee Design makes some pretty sweet bamboo bikes, but now it’s even anticipating your change in Facebook relationship status. To make breakups a little less painful — or just make tandem bikes more versatile — the cycle company created a convertible tandem that you can turn into a solo bike. (It’s a bicycle built for two! Slash one!)

...aaand after.

Gizmag… aaand after.

The carbon fiber bicycle was a custom design for a couple, so it’s not widely available (yet), but it was recently on display at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show for people to drool over. Gizmag explains the bike’s logistics:

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In their single configuration, a bit of the top tube extends out behind the seat tube, ending in a circular coupling receptacle (it looks a little like the bike has a jet engine). When it’s time to ride as a duo, the seat stays are detached below that device, and the whole back end of the bike is removed via two other coupling points — one towards the bottom of the seat tube, and one at the bottom of the down tube. The extended back end is then coupled on in its place, with the rear wheel swapped onto it.

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Before you get too excited, the bike’s got a pretty hefty price tag: $25,000. But maybe you’ll luck out in the divorce settlement?