The European Union won’t be importing any more oil from Iran.

President Obama’s going to lay out an energy agenda on Tuesday at the State of the Union.

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Thousands of snowy owls are descending from the Arctic to fly over places like Kansas and Missouri (and to deliver messages from Arctic Circle-based wizards, of course).

Rebecca Wodder, who was CEO of American Rivers, won’t be Interior’s assistant secretary for fish, wildlife, and parks.

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Beijing discovers that when your city’s weather report includes astronomically high air pollution levels, it’s not a great idea to then set off a ton of fireworks.

One Dutch city decides that building dikes higher isn’t an option any more; instead they’re moving them further inland.

And corn farmers in France (who knew?) are planting their crop earlier to adjust for increasing temperatures.

Halliburton, which provides key services to hydrofracking companies, says its fourth quarter earnings went up 50 percent.

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