The Department of Commerce announced that China was selling solar panels at unfairly low prices in the U.S. and that it would slap tariffs on them.

Obama’s on an “all-of-the-above” energy tour today: He’ll stop at a solar facility and at oil and gas fields.

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The New York Times reported Sunday that the U.S. Department of Agriculture would require environmental reviews of properties with oil and gas leases before issuing mortgages to them, but now the secretary of ag is saying that the department will do nothing of the sort.

The National Bike Summit is underway. Go with other bikers to harangue your congressperson about public transportation funding!

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Nutria are not as cute as hamsters or otters and have taken over Lake Washington — but should we just deal with it? As Drew Christie’s animated nutria puts it, “I know I’m not really supposed to be here, but — guess what — neither are you! … Just pretend I’m an otter, and I’ll pretend you’re a native.”

Ball State has a cool geothermal heating system.