“Tear this thing down and burn it!” – Mitt Romney, probably.

Earlier this week, Colorado’s two Democratic senators demanded that Congress take action to renew the production tax credit for wind.

If you’re just joining us / fall asleep when you see the word “tax,” the tax credit bolstering production of wind turbines expires at the end of the year. At least one company with facilities in Colorado has already laid off workers due to uncertainty about a renewal. Hence the senators’ advocacy:

“We are seeing firsthand how Congress’ failure to act on an extension of the wind PTC is killing jobs right here in Colorado,” [Senator Michael] Bennet said in a statement. “An extension will support this vital industry at a crucial point in its development and save thousands of jobs in Colorado and tens of thousands across the rest of the country. Congress must get its act together and extend the PTC immediately when it resumes session.”

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Or, translated into Family Guy-ese:

To which Mitt Romney says: no. Romney, always one to make things hard on himself unnecessarily, has called for an end to the tax credit. How’s that working out for him, popularity-wise? Here’s what’s happened in the Colorado polls since his late July announcement.

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The only thing that I’ll add, which I always add, is that even Karl Rove supports an extension. Karl Rove. He’s a guy that would prioritize a minor Republican victory over his own reputation. And has. And will again. And will laugh about it.

Romney (and his friends) seem unswayed.