Back in 2010, Greenpeace filed a Freedom of Information request covering endangered species affected by the Deepwater Horizon spill. They just received a response from NOAA, and it included more than 100 photos. They’re disturbing: The ones Greenpeace has released so far show endangered Kemp Ridley’s sea turtles, dead and covered in oil.

The photos below the jump are even worse.

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Mother Jones has more, too. Kate Sheppard reports:

Most photos are missing dates and descriptions, though the FOIA request covered the period of April 20 to July 30, 2010. But they’re pretty shocking — which is probably why they weren’t made public at the height of the spill. “It just makes me furious,” said John Hocevar, a marine biologist who works for Greenpeace. “I had so many conversations with people in various government agencies working on the Gulf spill, and I feel like they were hiding things from all of us.”

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