Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) was on Ed Morrissey’s internet radio show, Hot Air, earlier this week, where he said Republicans plan to revive the “drill here, drill now” call this summer. He said they need to be “on guard” against “liberalism” on issues like energy. Here’s the quote, via ThinkProgress:

MORRISSEY: In 2008, when gas prices spiked to their highest levels, we saw a great deal of enthusiasm for Drill Here, Drill Now type of legislation. Now obviously, prices have collapsed since then; they’re lower than half of what they used to be. But where is the “Drill Here, Drill Now” push now in Congress? Do we have anything like that — any momentum for that still left in Congress? Or has that been pretty much squelched?

ENSIGN: Certainly Republicans are going to be pushing that this summer. We’re going to be pushing the search for more American energy supplies, coming out with — there are several Republican proposals out there right now that are really comprehensive energy bills. Because there is no single approach that is going to answer our energy problems.

Here’s the whole interview:

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