National lawmakers did next to nothing about climate change over the August congressional recess, but climate activists and their fossil-fuel foes were busy. Here are highlights from their summer antics:
Clean-energy activists at a Maine rally.Photo: 1Sky
The climate activists
- The Alliance for Climate Protection’s Repower America campaign and the Blue Green Alliance kicked off a Made in America Jobs Tour to promote the benefits of a clean energy economy.
- 1Sky organized more than 100 “Back to D.C.” events during the last week of the congressional recess, pushing lawmakers to pass a strong climate and energy bill; earlier in August, it organized “beach parties” to make the same point.
- got events scheduled in more than 100 countries for Oct. 24, the International Day of Climate Action.
- Operation Free launched a campaign that encourages veterans to support climate legislation and clean energy.
- The League of Conservation Voters started running ads critical of reps who voted against the House climate bill.
- The Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, Center for American Progress Action Fund, NAACP, and AAUW launched a tip line through which citizens can report deceptive acts by polluters who are seeking to stymie climate and clean-energy legislation. (For more on such deceptive acts, keep reading …)
The dirty-energy interests
Dirty-energy activists at a Missouri rally.Photo: Energy CitizensA consulting firm working for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity sent at least 13 fake letters to members of Congress, opposing the House climate bill and claiming to be from minority and senior-citizen groups.
- The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity ran a new batch of pro-coal TV ads and organized “volunteers” to serve as “America’s Power Army” and show up at public events attended by members of Congress.
- Oil-industry lobbyists, backed by the American Petroleum Institute and other conservative groups, organized “Energy Citizens” rallies intended to support fossil-fuel energy and quash climate legislation.
- A K-Street PR firm representing pro-coal interests launched a FACES of Coal website, claiming to represent ordinary Americans but actually just showcasing stock photos.
- Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions for Winning the Future started up an anti–climate bill petition.
- Americans for Prosperity kicked off a Hot Air Tour to combat “global warming alarmism” and fight climate legislation.
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