Step It UpToday is the day!

Across the United States, in more than 1,300 communities, citizens are gathering together at local grassroots events to send a clear message to Congress: Step it up. Pass legislation that will insure an 80% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The world’s eyes are upon us.

Go here to find an event in your area.

Later today, after I get a little sleep, I will be attempting to chronicle at least some portion of what promises to be a historical occasion. If you’re able, post an account of your community’s events in comments on this thread. I’d also love to receive your pictures — email them to me or point me to where they’re posted. I’ll be poaching a lot of material off of the Step It Up website, where you can also upload stuff.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Updates to come. Now get out there, and as Bill McKibben concluded in his final message to organizers last night: Don’t forget to smile!

Update [2007-4-14 10:3:22 by David Roberts]: I’m awake!

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

This isn’t good: a huge storm tore across Texas and up through Kansas today, causing two deaths and possibly flooding later today on the New York coast.

Here’s New Orleans yesterday:

Step It Up in New Orleans

Update [2007-4-14 10:22:53 by David Roberts]: Where’s the media coverage? Nothing on NYT, WaPo, L.A. Times, CNN, Fox … for now, if you want to know what’s happening, go here.

Update [2007-4-14 10:39:8 by David Roberts]: One of the coolest events today promises to be the Sea of People in Manhattan: “the Sea Of People will take over Lower Manhattan along a 10-foot elevation line or “future sea level” zone — we need your help to make this line a powerful visual statement — WEAR BLUE, bring bubbles, scuba gear, beach balls, etc. Have fun with it!” Here’s the video trailer:

Update [2007-4-14 13:1:50 by David Roberts]: Dang, I shoulda had Grist fly my out to cover this protest in San Juan:

Step It Up in Puerto Rico

Update [2007-4-14 15:13:39 by David Roberts]: Man, reading these accounts, it looks like the national weather really didn’t cooperate today — everywhere it’s cold, windy, and rainy.

Check out the clever people-writing at Clemson University:

Step It Up at Clemson

Update [2007-4-14 15:20:3 by David Roberts]: Here are some hearty backcountry skiers who hiked 5.5 miles up to the summit of Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondacks:

Step It Up in the Adirondacks

Update [2007-4-14 18:3:37 by David Roberts]: Pictures from Manhattan’s Sea of People:

Step It Up: Sea of People

Update [2007-4-14 18:13:35 by David Roberts]: Still nothing on the home pages of the New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post, or the L.A. Times.

Update [2007-4-14 18:47:47 by David Roberts]: Well I’ll be damned! A Step It Up event in my home town, Cookeville, Tenn.:

Step It Up in Cookeville, TN

I never thought I’d see the day.