Muckraker: Grist on Politics

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) has accepted Barack Obama’s offer to serve as his chief of staff. As chair of the Democratic Caucus, Emanuel is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House. Before his election to the House in 2003, he was a senior adviser to President Bill Clinton.

The chief of staff is essentially charged with implementing the president’s agenda, and, appropriately, Emanuel has a reputation for getting things done. Many credit him with major Democratic pick-ups in the House in 2006, when he chaired the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Some in D.C. call him “Rahmbo” — which could be an insult or a term of endearment, depending on who’s saying it.

rahm emanuelEmanuel has a respectable environmental record. In his time in the House, he’s earned a 90 percent lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters, and a 94 percent in the 110th Congress. He was a cosponsor of the 2007 energy bill, which included increased efficiency standards for automobiles and appliances. He also cosponsored a failed resolution calling for 25 percent of the country’s energy to come from renewable, domestic sources by 2025.

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In 2006, he introduced the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Implementation Act to fund programs to protect and restore the Great Lakes, and in 2007 he sponsored a resolution calling for protection of the Great Lakes from dumping of industrial waste.

Earlier this year he sponsored legislation to spur production of natural-gas vehicles and provide tax incentives for natural-gas vehicle infrastructure, and another bill to increase tax credits for certain alternative vehicles produced in the U.S.

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Of course, the chief of staff is charged with pushing the president’s agenda, not one’s own. But Emanuel seems to have a solid background for pursuing Obama’s energy and environment plans.