The Texas drought has meant fewer births of adorable baby animals. Maybe the new climate lobby can include all of the internet.

Also joining the climate fight: yuppies and freelancers. Starbucks is worried about the future of its business model, as rising temperatures threaten coffee crops.

Democrats aren't the only ones who back clean energy projects that don't end up saving the world. Orrin Hatch, for instance, backed a company trying to develop a hybrid Hummer, which collapsed under the weight of its own irony.

China wants to dominate the global wind-turbine market, as well as the solar market.

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The House will vote on whether to give states the power to regulate their own coal ash.

Greenpeace's newest ship launches today: It will head first from Germany to the United States to protest coal, then to the Amazon to fight rainforest destruction.

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Maryland's governor has been pushing waste-to-energy incinerators, but a new report says they emit more pollution than coal-fired power plants.

Pipe Dreams, a documentary about the Keystone XL pipeline, is on the Oscar shortlist.