A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Ignore the industry's wheezing protestations: The days of affordable coal-fired power are over, and a new Sierra Club report shows how, social and environmental damages aside, new coal plants are just lousy investments.
Good news. And now, we assume, the chastened polluting industries will quietly upgrade their systems to reduce greenhouse emissions, and we'll never speak of this again.
Journalists like to be even-handed, but when one side lies with no compunction, that's not so easy.
This election year, the Green Party hopes to ride the spirit that drove the Occupy movement right into the mainstream.
In a new report on U.S. CLEAN (Clean Local Energy Accessible Now) programs, I provide a comparison of solar CLEAN...
A new survey from the Kellogg Foundation says Americans are eating more fresh food and want public institutions to make fruits and vegetables more widely accessible.
On one side of Rio de Janeiro, world leaders debated the future of the planet. On the other, a grassroots gathering gave a glimpse of the realities of life in the developing world.
Most small farmers can't compete with the efficiency of industrial grain production, but a growing number are now offering heritage and landrace varieties in their local areas.
Apple and Greenpeace recently traded blows over how much clean power is used by one of Apple’s data centers. Calculating the energy use of the state-of-the-art center proves elusive.