A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
A new report says that employment in the solar thermal collector industry jumped 22 percent in 2009 from the previous year.
This is part of a series on distributed renewable energy. It originally appeared on Energy Self-Reliant States, a resource of the...
It’s easy to tangle up ideas, especially when we approach an issue from a narrow perspective. That seems to be...
Who needs coal when there are such great examples of clean energy initiatives around the U.S.? I’ve got several examples...
IBM has partnered with Rio de Janeiro to create an operations center that will give the Brazilian city's emergency-management team access to a vast array of data.
Cross-posted from Sightline’s Daily Score blog. Europe’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) cap-and-trade system has taken a somewhat undeserved drubbing in...
Last week, Matt Nisbet, an associate professor at American University, released a report called “Climate Shift.” It argued that, contrary...
Look closely — what can you learn?Photo: Steve WallThe Center for Ecoliteracy has worked for more than 15 years to...
A U.S. company shows it can compete in the European solar market by landing a deal on the sunny island of Crete.