A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Most were Black or Indigenous.
A new report from the EPA inspector general found the state’s health department saw evidence of elevated lead levels as early as 2015.
The state's pension funds have an estimated $14.8 billion invested in fossil fuel companies.
Michigan and other battleground states might have swung for Trump, but they elected environmentalists to U.S. Senate seats, too.
State Farm blamed "rapidly growing catastrophe exposure," along with inflation and reinsurance costs, for fleeing the Golden State ahead of wildfire season.
But even products certified as "compostable" are causing headaches.
Critics said the decision was "fatally flawed" and won't allow for a “just and equitable energy transition.”
But developing countries need trillions more.
Heatflation has doubled the price of olive oil over the past year.