A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Australians delivered a strong mandate for climate action last weekend as they voted overwhelmingly for the center-left Labor Party, the Green Party, and pro-climate “teal” independent candidates.
The people who clean up the world's trash say some companies' statements of support are little more than lip service.
Many of the solutions are costly, putting them out of reach for small towns. But the region's most populous cities are getting innovative.
Anemones, sponges, and jellyfish are bleaching throughout the Everglades amid record temperatures. It's a troubling sign for Florida Bay and beyond.
Coastal residents are conflicted over the planned location of a facility that advocates say will help launch Maine's offshore wind industry.
It’s not your imagination: This summer is already hotter than normal.
A record 2,400 lobbyists are at the conference representing national governments, business groups, and carbon offset advocates.
As heat waves strike Europe and China, crops are withering.
In New Mexico, oil companies agreed to work with regulators to find a solution to the state’s more than 70,000 unplugged wells. After months of negotiations, the industry turned against the bill it helped shape.