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  • Well, not that dirty

    I love, love that the Waste World Cup exists. This ESPN chap said it, not me: Bicycles are the new SUV. That’s all. (So my cousin came to visit a few weekends ago, and we were discussing those inevitable awkward situations when you’re at a social gathering, and you’re chatting with someone, and even if […]

  • Catchy, catchy!

    Someone -- possibly Bart A., who frequents these haunts -- came up with a magnificent line that ought to be widely repeated and put on T-shirts, bike stickers, etc:

    "The Future Has Pedals."

    Love it!

  • Tubular, dude!

    Nature is still the best engineer -- though good human ones take advantage whenever possible.

    Here's a terrific, hopeful story about a bike designer who got a dog-gone good idea about making bike frames out of a widely grown, cheap, strong, environmentally sound material: bamboo.

    Now we just need to get BioD and this guy hooked up:

  • Dumb and not so dumb questions answered

    Well, here's some more footage of my new bike. I couldn't think of a better way to convey its ability to accelerate uphill than to just do it with normal bikes in the background for comparison. Note the dearth of spandex. Is this fad about to go the way of the powdered wig?

    The following are some answers to frequently asked questions:

  • Trying to let go of the weekend

    It’s been sunny, clear, and hot in Seattle. My shoulders are sunburnt! My weekend was capped by two great experiences yesterday. First, I got to test drive BioD’s new rig. Wow. You really can’t imagine all the new horizons an electric bike opens up until you’re on one — especially an electric bike with enough […]

  • Ultimate Seattle hybrid plug-in

    Well, I spent last weekend building the ultimate electric hybrid bicycle for Seattle riding. My first bike was more or less a prototype that taught me all I needed to know to put this one together.

  • Blue lanes, cage locks, and cyclibraries

    Separate bikeways are the lead actors in bike-friendly cities, but many supporting actors complete the cast: bikes on transit facilities, good traffic law enforcement, even bike "lifts" on steep hills. Three more worth mentioning are blue lanes, parking cages, and cyclibraries.

    Blue lanes.

  • My bike and kids

    The Bike-To-Work-Week gods had plans for me ... even though I don't actually work.

    On Mother's Day, May 13, a wheel fell off my stroller.

    Biking with a kid trailer. Photo: iStockphoto

    Walking is my main mode of transportation, and I love it. Even with its distance limitations, pushing a stroller felt like a safe alternative to driving and less annoying than taking the bus.

    My daughters, 18 months and 3, are too old for us to justify buying another stroller and too young to walk the two-mile roundtrip to downtown, the playground, or the library.

    Since I gave up driving almost a year ago, I've ignored the advice of cycling advocates, both on the web and in real life, because I thought walking served my family just fine.

    Now, without a stroller, it was time to buy a bike. And a trailer that hooks onto the back. And helmets. And test drive it to the downtown vegetarian coffee shop for a breakfast sandwich.

    And finally this week, I strapped in the girls for a ride to the playground -- and they loved it. Why, I think, did I wait so long?