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  • Florida Everglades restoration now a bailout for U.S. Sugar

    Cypress trees in the Everglades. Photo: National Park ServiceThe New York Times published a monster investigative piece Monday on the disaster that is the Everglades Restoration Project. In some ways, it distills much of what’s wrong with both corporate and government culture in this country. Fun fact: the key beneficiary of the restoration plan will […]

  • Are GMOs the ‘financial innovations’ of agriculture?

    (Photoillustration by Grist)Financial blogger Felix Salmon has an essay in Foreign Policy called “How Locavores Can Save the World” — expanded, by the way, from a wonderful blog post he wrote after attending a panel discussion on world hunger at the Davos World Economic Forum in the company of Blue Hill Farm’s Dan Barber. Salmon […]

  • Maybe locavores can save the world after all

    Financial blogger Felix Salmon has an essay in Foreign Policy called “How Locavores Can Stop World Hunger.” Salmon normally focuses on issues involving economic crises, monetary policy, complex derivatives, macro-economics and governmental oversight of financial markets  — but here is talking monocultures, sustainable agriculture and GMOs. Tom Philpott has opined on the similarities between financial […]

  • The bluefin tuna gets a bigtime backer: the U.S. government

    The Atlantic bluefin may be down, but it’s not out. After delaying a decision, the Obama administration came out today in support of a proposal to declare the bluefin an endangered species and to ban international trade in the threatened fish (via The Washington Post): The U.S. government announced Wednesday that it supports prohibiting international […]

  • Study suggests junk food taxes may beat healthy food subsidies

    An interesting new study was just published in Psychological Science, about a lab experiment at SUNY Buffalo that suggests junk-food taxes increase the overall nutritional quality of a shopping trip, while subsidies on healthy foods actually decrease the nutritional quality (via Science Daily). [Study author and clinical psychologist Dr. Leonard] Epstein and colleagues simulated a […]

  • Pig Business: Who owns your food owns you

    Ever feel like you were playing checkers and the other guy was playing chess? That’s the impression I get when watching many of the recent spate of food documentaries. Activists announce that this or that is wrong with the food system; on the rare occasion when something appears to be getting done about it, the […]

  • Food as America’s newest religion

    Meanwhile the eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw him they fell down before him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples […]

  • Chef Jamie Oliver takes on the American school lunchroom in his new show

    In “Chewing the Scenery,” we round up interesting food-related video from around the Web. _________ Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s new show Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution takes him to Huntington, West Virginia, “the fattest city in America.” Oliver’s goal: nothing more than to remake residents’ attitude towards food. And it looks like he’s got his hands […]

  • For first time, GM soybeans may be losing favor among farmers

    A soybean field in summer. Farmers are getting fed up with Monsanto’s soy seed monopoly. UPDATE: This report refers not to the current year but to the 2009 crop year, which according to the USDA did see a slight drop in US GMO soybean plantings, as predicted. New estimates on the 2010 crop year should […]