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  • An ‘eco-friendly’ product that hits home

    Sketchy “eco-friendly product” news: Restroom Guardian, a water-soluble packet containing “common granular chemicals,” creates a layer of foam in public toilets to protect your tush. Today’s Best Sentence Ever comes from Dental Economics: “Restroom Guardian helps eliminate unsanitary and unhealthy toilet micro splatter bacterial cross-contamination while greatly lessening unwanted restroom sounds.” You heard it here […]

  • Umbra on children’s art supplies

    Hey Umbra, I’ve got a niece with a second birthday coming up and I’d like to get her a present that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a computer or TV. So, I thought, how about an art set? What better way to get those creative juices going at an early age than some finger […]

  • Curt Ellis responds to the ads promoting corn syrup …

    I was really happy to see this article. The ads which cast doubt on corn syrup-related health problems are so bad that even Karl Rove must be shaking his head. (Besides, who takes a popsicle — let alone one popsicle for two people — on a picnic?)

  • The EPA and FDA send last-minute gifts to the meat industry

    In Meat Wagon, we round up the latest outrages from the meat and livestock industries. —– Living near confined-animal feedlot operations (CAFOs) is no bowl of cherries. CAFO operators pack thousands of animals into tight spaces, concentrating their waste. The smells they release are intense and foul — and probably dangerous. According to one recent […]

  • Study: Common pollutant may lead to obesity

    Ever heard of tributyltin? Probably not, but odds are you’ve been exposed to it. The chemical is used as a biocide in industrial water systems, breweries (gulp), and in wood preservatives; and as a pesticide on so-called "high-value" food crops (think fruits and vegetables). Its residues are also found in fish and shellfish. And … […]

  • From Carols to Condoms

    Jingle bells, clean coal smells Click here. Discover wintry-clothed, googly-eyed coal carolers. Hear frosty lyrics like “There must have been some magic in clean coal technology, for when they looked for pollutants there was nearly none to see.” Vomit. Repeat. Buckling under pressure On the heels of the economic downturn, seems NatPo’s vegan Mary Janes […]

  • A review of The Big Necessity

    Great non-fiction writing is like great fiction writing: It produces books that are hard to put down, that give you insight into yourself and others, and that change the way you look at the world. A young woman named Rose George has produced a great work of reporting and, for my money, has likely produced […]

  • Umbra on store-brand organics

    Hey Umbra, What with organic foods being so expensive, I’m often tempted to buy the store-brand organic produce that’s cropping up lately. Are the store brands as good (i.e., pesticide free) as any other brand of organic food? I can’t help but be suspicious. Thanks!Confused in Jersey Dear CJ, Organic is a USDA-certified labeling program. […]

  • Healthcare/energy parallels

    Commenting on an article by MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, Jonathan Cohn says this: Reform, he notes, could eventually create a more rational health care system in which we don’t throw away so much money on administration, inefficient care, or unnecessary treatments. And less waste in health care means more money for other, more productive purposes. […]