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  • Making environmental sense of the financial storm now raging

    Interpreting reports currently coming out of Wall Street is like tracking a vast hurricane as it rages its way through the Gulf and toward a population center: Conditions are way too chaotic to make confident predictions, but preparing for the worst probably isn’t a bad idea. As recently as a year ago, no one could […]

  • The oil market can’t save us from climate change

    Oil prices have plunged by a third since June. What happened? Damned if I know. This is an extremely murky market. Information about supply is notoriously patchy. As for demand, people are writing dissertations about the mentality of mega-fund managers who plunge into securities like oil futures one day, only to bail en masse another. […]

  • House Republicans push their drilling agenda and Dems don’t counter

    The House Democrats, like their presidential nominee, appear to be on the verge of walking away from a winning strategy. On Tuesday, I noted, it looked like they were going to embrace the "Gang of 10" position on offshore drilling, which is obviously the way to go from both a policy and strategic messaging point […]

  • Friday music blogging: Aaron Tippin

    Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions for Winning the Future is an astroturf group funded largely by Republican billionaires. In the short-term, it’s designed to staunch Republican electoral losses in November by creating a new wedge issue: drilling for oil. In the medium term, it’s taking on a range of other right-wing campaigns. In the longer term, […]

  • Gingrich’s 527 group is a major player in this year’s elections

    The following investigative report was originally published by the Center for Public Integrity and is reposted on Grist with CPI’s kind permission.   —– Newt Gingrich appeared on C-SPAN’s morning program “Washington Journal” on August 6 to promote “Drill here. Drill Now.” Photo Courtesy of C-SPAN Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn’t running for president […]

  • A pipe dream

    Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration From Architecture 2030

  • Sex and drug scandal at Interior could affect the offshore-drilling debate in Congress

    Yesterday’s revelation that 13 Interior Department employees who handle oil royalties are under investigation for allegedly engaging in illicit sex with and accepting gifts from employees of oil companies may affect the debate over drilling currently underway in Congress. An Inspector General’s report describes a “culture of substance abuse and promiscuity” at the agency, which […]

  • Interior Department employees under investigation for sex, drugs, and bribe scandal

    Thirteen government officials are under investigation for allegedly engaging in illicit sex with and accepting a number of gifts from employees of energy companies, according to federal investigators. The probe involves Interior Department employees in the Denver and Washington offices, who handle billions of dollars in oil royalties. At the Denver Minerals Management Service, the […]

  • $100 billion stimulus for 2 million new jobs in two years

    Yesterday, the Center for American Progress released “Green Recovery,” a new report by Dr. Robert Pollin and University of Massachusetts Political Economy Research Institute economists. This report demonstrates how a new Green Recovery program that invests $100 billion over two years would create 2 million new jobs with a significant proportion in the struggling construction […]