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  • Watch Jon Stewart give Rand Paul a logic spanking on environmental regulations

    Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul went on Jon Stewart’s show armed with talking points about environmental regulations. Bad move, Rand. Watch (starting around 1:50) as Jon Stewart gets him to admit that government regulations have made a huge positive difference for the environment: The Daily Show – Exclusive – Rand Paul Extended Interview Pt. 3Tags: Daily […]

  • What if you updated your electronics like you update your wardrobe?

    Photo: George MacklinDesigner and TED fellow Dominic Muren wants you to update your electronics like you update your wardrobe. In other words, he thinks you should be able to replace or update only what gets worn out, instead of tossing and re-purchasing everything you own at one whack just because one part is busted or […]

  • MIT geeks pull energy solutions out of their pocket protectors

    Photo: Jon PariseHarvard hasn’t cornered the market on inventing the future, starting businesses, and all the other Zuckerbergian things people do when they’re not getting laid. At this year’s MIT Energy Conference, students and grads came out of their nerd caves to serve up a Jabba-sized heap of tech: personal turbines, wind-collecting balloons, bathysphere batteries, […]

  • California utilities (just) miss renewable energy deadline

    Time’s up.Photo: elfonThe California Legislature is moving to put into law a regulation requiring the state’s utilities to obtain a third of their electricity from renewable energy by 2020. But how did California’s three big investor-owned utilities do in meeting a previous mandate to secure 20 percent of their electricity supplies from carbon-free sources by […]

  • Pacific Northwest sends coal a Dear John letter

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 15.0px Arial} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 15.0px Arial; color: #1f0199} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline ; color: #1f0199} span.s2 {text-decoration: underline} span.s3 {color: #000000} Dear Coal, We’ve been together a long, long time, but I’m sorry, I’m leaving you for another. Don’t try to argue: like it or […]

  • Don’t Mess With Mother Nature

    A few weeks ago in Lamont, California, a fighting rooster killed a man, when the bird slashed him with the blades he had attached to its legs. A bizarre one-time oddity? No, just days earlier a man in India was also killed when his fighting rooster slashed his throat. Just what is Mother Nature trying […]

  • Ask Umbra on refillable cleaning supplies

    Send your question to Umbra! Q. Dear Umbra, I’m trying to cut back on plastic waste and am wondering if you know of places that offer things like cleaning supplies in bulk, so that I can refill and reuse my old containers? Thanks!Lyda L.Harlem, NY A bottle walks into a bar and asks for a […]

  • The collapse of the old oil order

    No matter what comes of the protests in Iran, it’s unlikely that the country’s oil output will rise significantly.Photo: Hamed SaberThis essay was originally published on TomDispatch and is republished here with Tom’s kind permission. Whatever the outcome of the protests, uprisings, and rebellions now sweeping the Middle East, one thing is guaranteed: The world […]

  • Unemployment down; now we get to care about the environment again

    The department of labor’s February jobs report is out, and unemployment dropped 1 percent in just three months, to 8.9 percent. It’s the biggest drop in 28 years. The inverse relationship between unemployment and public concern about the environment means Grist readers have even more reason to celebrate. Now that people don’t have to worry […]

  • Kochs’ BFF is GOP’s styrofoam dealer

    Source photos: Republican Conference and Bill V.So, remember how Republicans triumphantly reinstated styrofoam cups in congressional cafeterias, presumably as part of their plan to save jobs and mom and apple pie and small businesses and stuff? Well, they got the “business” part right: The cups they’ll be using are made by a company belonging to […]