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  • Energy stocks are looking attractive

    The following essay is a guest post by Kari Manlove, fellows assistant at the Center for American Progress.

    ----- just released a summary outlook on the solar, wind, biofuel (mainly ethanol), and efficiency industry financial sectors. The two looking most optimistic are wind and efficiency, and thus both sectors are overflowing with opportunity.

    According to one investment portfolio manager, efficiency investments are reliable and essentially fundamental. In his words, investing in efficiency is like putting your money on the arms dealer in a war or conflict -- no matter which side wins (or which sector), the arms dealer simply can't lose.

  • Tata Motors unveils world’s cheapest car in India

    Photo: TaTa Motors The world’s cheapest car was unveiled in India today by Tata Motors, which hopes that its new $2,500 subcompact will help make car ownership a reality for tens of millions of people. The Tata Nano gets respectable gas mileage, up to 58.8 miles per gallon, and meets India’s emissions standards, but its […]

  • Swedish company to warm buildings using body heat

    The legendary hotness of Swedes is now useful for more than getting dates. Calls to the French Embassy about plans for using the famous Gallic "icy superciliousness" for air conditioning were not returned by press time.

  • Newest Air Jordan shoe will be made to sustainable standards, says Nike

    The 23rd version of Nike’s iconic Air Jordan basketball shoe was designed with sustainability in mind, says the company. The Air Jordan XX3 will be manufactured with some recyclable materials and without solvent-based glues, while still meeting the performance standards demanded by pro-ball endorsers such as Chris Paul and Ray Allen. The shoe is still […]

  • GM CEO sows doubt about Volt debut date

    The following is a guest post by Marc Geller, who blogs at Plugs and Cars, serves on the board of directors of the Electric Auto Association, cofounded Plug In America and, and appeared in Who Killed The Electric Car.

    ----- reports on an online chat with GM CEO Rick Waggoner.

    General Motors might not be able to hit its target to have its breakthrough electric-powered car the Chevrolet Volt in production by 2010 ... GM has already started to build advertising campaigns around the Volt, even though in the best-case scenario it is years away from production. It is seen as a way of trying to change public perceptions about the fuel efficiency and environmental responsibility of the U.S. automaker, which is more closely associated with large SUVs or pickup trucks.

    Not the way to mark the 100th anniversary of the company. If GM wants to be believed, they need to do more than flap their lips, run hopeful ads, and buy dinner for bloggers.

  • Federal Trade Commission reviews environmental marketing guidelines

    With consumers becoming more and more concerned about greenwashing, the Federal Trade Commission has agreed to review its voluntary environmental marketing guidelines. Today the agency is holding a public forum addressing carbon offsets and renewable energy credits, the first in a series of workshops designed to review the guidelines, which have not been updated since […]

  • U.S. Supreme Court refuses Canadian company’s pollution suit appeal

    The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal from a Canadian mining company in a cross-border pollution case, in effect sustaining an earlier appeals court ruling holding the company liable for pollution under U.S. law. Just 10 miles north of the U.S. border in British Columbia, the mining company Teck Cominco has been […]

  • Green job planning for 2008

    It’s a whole new year! A fresh canvas to paint on. The first page of the brilliant adventure story that will be your green career in 2008. An endless progression of dreary days with that pathetic guy in the next cubicle who spends half his time complaining and the other half in loud personal conversations […]

  • Ford Motor Co. unveils greener engine

    Ford Motor Co. has unveiled a new engine technology with the unsubtle name of EcoBoost. Ford folks say the engine, which comes in both four-cylinder and six-cylinder, will deliver up to 20 percent better fuel economy, reduce CO2 emissions by 15 percent, pay for itself in fuel savings in less than three years, and, of […]

  • Consumer electronics event showcases green products

    The annual Consumer Electronics Show kicked off in Las Vegas last night with tech products both glitzy and green. Laptop cases made from corn instead of petroleum products are on display, as well as devices that help electronics only suck electricity when being used, universal chargers, easily recyclable batteries, and solar-powered cell phone speakers. Sessions […]