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  • Goldman Sachs and other financial powerhouses get into the Texas wind biz

    What is Goldman Sachs doing in rural Texas? Probably some of its bankers have wondered that themselves, when they find they’re three hours from the nearest latte. A Texas turbine. Photo: NREL / Cielo Wind Power One of Goldman’s subsidiaries, Houston-based Horizon Wind Energy, is constructing a $600 million, 400-megawatt wind farm in the boonies […]

  • Pep Raleigh

    Google gives out bikes to 2,000 employees across the pond We have a vague recollection that there was life before Google, but it must have been a sad, empty sort of life. Anyone recall? While you’re casting your memory back there, lord, we’ll update you on the latest from the altruistic search engine: they’re giving […]

  • If organic food is so popular, why are so few farms transitioning their land?

    On a recent trip to Austin, I visited the flagship Whole Foods — a vast space where people gather en masse to render financial sacrifice to that new god, organic food. From the depths of the parking lot, as you make your way up to the store, you’re urged again and again by a sign […]

  • New articles take a look

    Interesting piece from Makower on some recent articles moving the climate conversation to more … prosaic concerns. That is to say: who’s gonna make out? The first is in the Harvard Business Review, and outlines these risks to businesses: … regulatory risk (the impact of emissions caps or carbon taxes); supply chain risk (disruptions or […]

  • An interview with Van Jones, advocate for social justice and shared green prosperity

    Big business has finally realized that there’s lots of money to be made in the transition to a clean-energy economy. Van Jones wants to make sure working-class and minority Americans realize it too. Van Jones. Jones, a civil-rights lawyer, is founder and executive director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, an innovative nonprofit […]

  • Paying It Forward

    U.S. investors worth $4 trillion beg feds for climate action For a long time now, the Bush administration has said it can’t possibly take action on climate change because it will harm the economy. Now the economy is all like, “Hurt me, baby, please.” Yet another business-oriented coalition — this one including investors who manage […]

  • How far has the movement come in the last 20 years?

    Quick, name a historic moment from 1987. I’ll wait. Well, yeeessss, that was the year that gave us timeless songs like “I Want Your Sex,” “Shake Your Love,” and with a somewhat different message, “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” (by the immortal Georgia Satellites). They just don’t write songs like those anymore. Or let’s hope […]

  • What’s a Couple of Coal Plants Among Friends?

    TXU buyers announce plans for two coal-gasification plants The private firms that proposed a $45 billion buyout of Texas coal giant TXU continue to make some hearts go pitter-pat. After announcing that TXU would scuttle plans for all but three new coal-fired power plants, the firms added Friday that they would look into building two […]

  • Coal-bashing is hot new trend in Congress, science circles, and business world

    Is King Coal about to be deposed? Climate scientists, key members of Congress, enviros, and the progressive wing of the business world are plotting a coup d’état. Regime change isn’t likely to come soon, but this resistance movement could significantly alter the way the pollution-spewing sovereign wields its power. James Hansen. Photo: Arnold Adle/NASA The […]