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  • How far has the movement come in the last 20 years?

    Quick, name a historic moment from 1987. I’ll wait. Well, yeeessss, that was the year that gave us timeless songs like “I Want Your Sex,” “Shake Your Love,” and with a somewhat different message, “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” (by the immortal Georgia Satellites). They just don’t write songs like those anymore. Or let’s hope […]

  • What’s a Couple of Coal Plants Among Friends?

    TXU buyers announce plans for two coal-gasification plants The private firms that proposed a $45 billion buyout of Texas coal giant TXU continue to make some hearts go pitter-pat. After announcing that TXU would scuttle plans for all but three new coal-fired power plants, the firms added Friday that they would look into building two […]

  • Coal-bashing is hot new trend in Congress, science circles, and business world

    Is King Coal about to be deposed? Climate scientists, key members of Congress, enviros, and the progressive wing of the business world are plotting a coup d’état. Regime change isn’t likely to come soon, but this resistance movement could significantly alter the way the pollution-spewing sovereign wields its power. James Hansen. Photo: Arnold Adle/NASA The […]

  • Now If Only They’d Stop Serving Meat

    Restaurant biz hops onto the green bandwagon Green ain’t just the color of the broccoli anymore in the restaurant biz. And a good thing too: the average restaurant generates 50,000 pounds of waste (half of it food) and uses 300,000 gallons of water every year. Enter the Green Restaurant Association, which provides environmental assessments and […]

  • Circuit Training

    U.N. launches global partnership to combat unhealthy e-waste habits Faced with an annual global gadget toss approaching 40 million tons, the United Nations has launched a partnership to battle the world’s heaps of e-waste and the environmental and health problems caused by impromptu e-recycling. Solving the E-Waste Problem, or StEP — which counts governments, universities, […]

  • Heeeeere Techy, Techy, Techy

    Vermont angling to become the green version of Silicon Valley Vermont, which has long tussled with Maine to avoid the tag of “whitest state in the nation,” is going in search of some color — green, that is. Lending depth to its nickname, the Green Mountain State is luring eco-engineers to its verdant flanks and […]

  • Teller All Your Crazy Dreams

    Bank of America announces $20 billion green initiative In perhaps the largest initiative of its kind evah, Bank of America has announced a $20 billion investment in being all green and stuff over the next decade. The largest U.S. retail bank will use most of the moola to finance green-focused commercial clients, while also offering […]

  • Bank of America makes a $20 billion green pledge

    Not long ago, I became a Bank of America customer, with mixed emotions. You know, the faceless corporation, the rumors of unethical practices, the exhaustion of trying to figure out where their (and my) money truly goes. Ultimately, I gave in to inertia and convenience. So I’m happy to hear that BOA is launching a […]

  • Group Hug

    Leading tech competitors bury the hatchet to improve energy efficiency Hold onto your geek hat: 11 leading tech companies have partnered to reduce the energy used by servers and data centers. The Green Grid — made up of foes including Intel, IBM, Microsoft, AMD, Sun Microsystems, and Hewlett-Packard — thinks data-center efficiency “is the most […]

  • An interview with IKEA sustainability director Thomas Bergmark

    Green by design. Photo: IKEA Last week, IKEA U.S. announced a “bag the plastic bag” initiative: the retailer will charge a nickel for plastic bags to discourage their use, donating all revenue to the nonprofit conservation group American Forests. The store will also let shoppers walk away with one of its iconic reusable blue bags […]