It can be a real challenge to keep up on everything going wrong with abortion rights in the United States — although if you’re trying, we have a suggestion. But as an indispensable reproductive right, access to abortion is something that you should probably be keeping track of.

So, a brief update: There’s an Supreme Court case coming up this spring that matters a whole helluva lot to anyone with a uterus. Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt will examine whether the state of Texas’ abortion clinic restrictions, purportedly enacted to better protect women’s health, actually make it prohibitively difficult for women to obtain abortions. They do, but you don’t have to take my word for it — just listen to the Texas abortion providers who are featured on this segment from John Oliver.

Some good news: Justice Scalia’s recent proverbial farm purchase may have ensured that SCOTUS will rule to preserves the rights that Roe v. Wade ensures for American women — namely, easy access to abortion. More good news: There are sloths in the video above. No, really — we wouldn’t joke about something like that.

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