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OK, this is the kind of extreme weather I can get behind — the kind where every time it rains, it rains puppies from heaven.

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I actually have a rough time with sad dog stories, even ones with happy endings; I tend to get all weepy because I can’t have all the dogs in bow ties on a rainbow. But for you sane people who actually find heartwarming stories heartwarming, this is the heartwarmingest: This pup squirmed out of a hawk’s talons midair, fell 30 feet, survived, and is now being happily bottle-fed by a wholesome seven-year-old and his family. Ugh, excuse me a minute, I’ve got something in my eye. It’s a bunch of tears.

The kid, Taylor, found the puppy while he was walking in his backyard, which … can you imagine that happening to you at that age? “Oh, you want a puppy, kid? Here is a free one FROM THE SKY.” But it’s Taylor’s mom who got the money quote: “Ray, if someone asks you if you want a sky puppy, you say YES.” Wait, no: “When God drops a puppy from the sky, you keep it.” Same idea.