Photo: Mark O’DonaldWake up, America!
Miley Cyrus, the JoBros, and other Disney mouseketeers tweensters want you to “send it on” — your love for the earth, that is. However, when it comes to this sugar-pop single, we suggest you only send it on to your worst enemies.
Bagging climate change
It’s Jack Handey meets eco-advert … but we’re pretty sure it’s just a bunch of hot air.
Photo: Ricardo FariaSpooning
What happens to all those ice-cream taster spoons once you’ve slurped off the chunky monkey? They become the light of your life!
Onion rings true
PETA: “We have no intention of changing our tactics until every last animal on the planet is given more respect than women.”
Heard it through the grapevine
EPA admin Lisa Jackson on Obama: “I haven’t seen a brother take on so many issues at once since Marvin Gaye put ‘What’s Going On,’ ‘Mercy Mercy Me,’ and ‘Inner City Blues’ all on the same album.” How sweet it is, indeed.