Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave to a greener Fourth of July?Photo courtesy of Hryck via flickr
It’s 4th of July weekend! Time to “ooh” and “aah” and eat things on buns with mustard. This year, dear Readers, make the most of the red, white and blue holiday. Before and after the sparklers, take time to talk to other people — like it’s Interdependence Day! The topic? How about “the best way to help preserve the American way of life is to make some simple changes”? Refer to my list of simple changes for help getting those conversations with compatriots started.
And here are even more pearls to keep you at your holiday best:
Firing up the grill this summer? You and 60 million other flesh-flippers. Our annual U.S. grill-a-palooza releases 225,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide — enough to power 20,000 homes for a year! Watch me cook up ways to lighten the impact of your fun bun.
On Fireworks
Although fireworks do give off carbon dioxide, they aren’t known for their greenhouse-gas impact. They do, however, have other potentially toxic components that can pollute air and water. Toxic enough to stop the once-a-year show? I’m ambivalent.
On Sunscreen
Wearing protective sunscreen is a must in summer — but it can also be a bummer. Did you know conventional sunscreen can be toxic to your body and the planet? Here’s how to find sun protection that’s eco-friendly, body-friendly, and effective.
On Staying Cool
OK, so it’s hotter out there than a firefighter eating hot wings. If you can’t take the heat, learn how to beat it while being kind to your wallet and the planet. Fan-tastic!