The adventures of daily life are many and varied and often include decisions that don’t really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things. However, I find these are often the hardest choices to make.

Take dinner, for example. Sometimes I just want to know what the f**k I should make for dinner that day. As a vegetarian, not just any f**king dinner will do. And did I mention that I f**king love “choose your own adventure” books?

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You can see, then, why I’m f**king thankful for the website What the f**ck should I make for dinner. With a f**king vegetarian option!

cook up some effing grilled lemons, baby artichokes, and eggplant

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Don’t like the recipe it slaved all day in the digital kitchen to serve you? No f**king problem. Click again!

Its appeal is simple and predicated on the fact that some people will always find the f-bomb funny. Especially when it’s dropped on something like a recipe for Provençal vegetable stew. F**king delish.


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