A couple of Austrian design students have issued a challenge — to themselves, but you can get in on it. They're posting an upcycling project every day for 30 days, and for every guest submission they post, they'll extend the project one day. Send in your upcycling ideas and help them rehabilitate a month — or six months, or a year — worth of trash.
Some of our favorites:
- Coat hangers made of metal measuring tapes have an advantage over the regular kind: They can fold up to travel.
- A lot of bakeries and bread companies discard loaves that are a day or more old. Birds don't care if their bread is fresh, so why not make them into loaf-shaped birdhouses?
- Leave it to art students to design a drawing-protecting carry case made of plastic bottles. Bet this could be adapted for a yoga mat or a towel at the pool.
- Would these bottle cap cabinet knobs work in the U.S., or are our bottle caps too unremarkable?