The actions against the Keystone XL pipeline down at the White House are a wonderful thing. Over the last five days 275 people have gotten arrested. When the police/whomever else tried to intimidate our movement by holding Bill McKibben and 52 others for two days and nights in pretty abysmal jail conditions over the weekend, we didn’t back down an inch, just kept coming. This is not just historic, it’s a real measure of something very significant, something about our toughness, our dedication, our unity, our morale, happening with the climate movement.

September 3 is another important test.

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Saturday, September 3 is the last day of these 15 consecutive days of action. It’s important that we finish strong. Accordingly, the tar sands action organizers are calling for and planning for a big rally, in addition to a big final day of civil disobedience, on that day at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C.

Please do all you can to spread the word about this day. Below is further information from Kate Finneran who is coordinating the work for September 3.

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Let’s finish strong to make this even more of a movement that can’t be denied.

September 3 Facebook page:

Rally to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline!

When: 9.3.11 at NOON

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Where: Lafayette Park, in front of the White House

Speakers TBA

Why: President Barack Obama will decide as early as this fall whether to light a fuse to the largest carbon bomb in North America. That bomb is the massive tar sands field in Canada’s Alberta province. And the fuse is the 1,700-mile long Keystone XL Pipeline that would transport this dirtiest of petroleum fuels all the way to Texas refineries.

America doesn’t want another oil spill! Obama needs to see us turn out in full force in order to veto the pipeline, so now’s the time to circle up and gather our allies!

Can you help us with outreach? Email: for more info.

PS! We’ll be creating a human pipeline aerial art piece following the rally, so please bring a black tshirt to put over whatever you’re wearing!

Thanks for your help!

Kate Finneran
cell: (203) 803-8813
skype: kaitlinfinneran