Without action to curb emissions of greenhouse gases, average global temperatures would rise about 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 80 years, causing sea levels to rise and landlocked glaciers to melt, according to new research conducted by the U.K.’s Meteorological Office. Up to 94 million people would be displaced as sea levels rose by nearly 16 inches, and an additional 290 million people would be at risk of malaria, according to the report. A separate study published in the journal Nature has found that climate change can alter the behavior of predators and therefore change the balance of ecosystems. Researchers conducted a long-term study of wolves on an island sanctuary in Lake Superior and found that during harsher winters the wolves traveled in larger packs and were more successful at hunting moose, their favorite prey, causing moose populations to decline while the number of balsam fir saplings, which moose eat, increased.