We have two weeks to thwart an evil plan.
James Bond had Goldfinger. Maxwell Smart had KAOS. Inspector Gadget had Dr. Claw. At Grist, our evil nemesis is a whole coven of dark forces intent on wrecking the climate, from fiendish oil-lovin’ billionaires to crooked coal-beholden politicians. Luckily, the Grist Agency is committed to fending them off with a whole lotta smarts — and a dash of style.
Every day, we reveal all the crucial information you need to navigate this ever-changing world we live in. But it takes more than just a goldeneye for great stories to create a brighter planetary future. It takes some shekels, too. So please, parachute in some dollars, pounds, whatever you got.
Grist readers, these climate-crushing villains are threatening to “send us a message” by dismantling the Grist irrev-o-blaster — the device that dispatches our irreverent green news to millions — and we have just two weeks to stop them. Make a donation today to help us reach our goal of 2,500 donations by Dec. 11 so we can foil their plot and pursue our ultimate mission: you know, saving the planet.
Chip Giller
Founder and CEO
P.S. Gifts of $50 or more will be matched by a generous, anonymous ally.
P.P.S. Rather not give online? You’re also welcome to send a check: Grist, 710 Second Avenue, Suite 860, Seattle, WA 98104.