Remember back in 2006, when Jon Bon Jovi said he got into green stuff to offset his hair spray-related indiscretions in the past? Allow me to remind you:
Actual quote: “Do you really want to know why I’m doing all this goodwill? … It’s because I feel guilty about the huge hole in the ozone layer my haircuts created. It’s my responsibility to right the wrongs of the ’80s.”
Well, apparently he’s still doing penance, partnering with NativeEnergy to offset the band’s upcoming world tour. Says Jon:
“Through NativeEnergy, we are making an investment in renewable energy projects that we hope will result in efficient alternatives to power our tours in the future. Until then, we want to help those who are seeking solutions to a problem we can’t afford to ignore.”
Hey, it’s his life … and when it comes to fighting global warming, it’s now or never. (He ain’t gonna live forever!)