We are facing an unprecedented environmental crisis in the form of climate change (with the world at its all time hottest in recorded history right now) and yet we have a firm (and I use that term lightly) called Carbon Solutions Group sending me emails like the following: (I got it this AM and I’m pasting it verbatim but with extensive snarky commentary.) In short, it says: “You can BUY LEED credits for almost nothing! Green power is getting so cheap!”

Want to know why the RECs these guys are selling are getting so cheap? Becuase they’re friggin’ worthless! Just like anything in your world that starts to become very, very, very cheap. Subprime loans. Typewriters. Three wheeled ATVs.

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WTF is wrong with these guys? The US Green Building Council  should be cracking down on them at the very least, just to protect their own integrity. (And they do have integrity.) But really, every sane environmentalist should be cracking down on them.

Here’s the email I just got:

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Dear Auden:


As current Green Power prices continue to fall, so does the cost of achieving the Green power Points for your LEED Project. If you are interested in recieving a free Green Power Quote, here is the information we need to generate the quote:

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

(then they list some info they need. Note conclues as follows:)

The LEED books have made the Green Power Points look very expense (A.S. notes: YES!  THEY HAVE!!! BECAUSE THEY ARE ASKING YOU TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING TO HELP THE PLANET!!!), however our main goal is to put this myth to rest. (A.S. note: Subtext: SAVING THE PLANET IS A PIECE OF CAKE!) The typical cost per point is less than $500 (A.S. notes: so if you could buy ALL The LEED points at this price you could LEED ceritify for about $20k. not to self: check into how much a fake PhD  costs today? I need one. Actually, Masters would also help.), and you can earn up to 6 points in some LEED types. (A.S. notes: ok, so you can only buy 6 out of 38 credits–so you can only buy 15% of the credits…phew!) Get your free Green Power quote today to see for yourself!

Thank you, (A.S. note: No, thank you! I thought it was going to be BITCH to solve this climate thing, but I guess I was wrong, and thank GOD for that.)

Green Power Team

(312) 638-9077

Carbon Solutions Group


LEED Green Power Points
Dear Auden,

As current Green Power prices continue to fall, so does the cost of achieving the Green Power Points for your LEED Project. If you are interested in receiving a free Green Power Quote, here is the information we need to generate the quote:

  • Name of the project:
  • LEED type (i.e. NC 2.2, CI 2.0, CS V3):
  • Annual electricity consumption from an energy model:
  • If no energy model has been completed, the square footage:
  • What type of building is it (i.e. school, office, hospital):
  • When the building was occupied/going to be occupied (mm/dd/year):

The LEED books have made the Green Power Points look very expensive, however our main goal is to put this myth to rest. The typical cost per point is less than $500.00, and you ca earn up to 6 points in some LEED types. Get your free Green Power quote today to see for yourself!

Thank you,

Green Power Team
(312) 638-9077
Carbon Solutions Group

LEED Green Power Points
Dear Auden,

As current Green Power prices continue to fall, so does the cost of achieving the Green Power Points for your LEED Project. If you are interested in receiving a free Green Power Quote, here is the information we need to generate the quote:

  • Name of the project:
  • LEED type (i.e. NC 2.2, CI 2.0, CS V3):
  • Annual electricity consumption from an energy model:
  • If no energy model has been completed, the square footage:
  • What type of building is it (i.e. school, office, hospital):
  • When the building was occupied/going to be occupied (mm/dd/year):

The LEED books have made the Green Power Points look very expensive, however our main goal is to put this myth to rest. The typical cost per point is less than $500.00, and you ca earn up to 6 points in some LEED types. Get your free Green Power quote today to see for yourself!

Thank you,

Green Power Team
(312) 638-9077
Carbon Solutions Group