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“Clean coal” is still poisoning people’s water and air
A state of emergency has been declared in West Virginia following a spill into the Elk River of a chemical used to treat coal before it’s burned, called “4-methylcyclohexane methanol” — some details from ThinkProgress: Residents of nine counties in West Virginia have been told not to use or drink their water after a chemical […]
Marquee Investor Backs Away from Coal Exports in the Northwest
One of the largest investment banks in the world has backed away from the Cherry Point coal export proposal in Washington. Earlier this week, financial giant Goldman Sachs sold off its stake in the parent company of SSA Marine, the developer of the dirty and dangerous coal export terminal at Cherry Point. This is the […]
Feather in his cap-and-trade: Brown pledges polluter fees to poor communities
California Gov. Jerry Brown’s new budget proposal would pour polluter taxes into the communities that bear the brunt of industry’s dirty ways.
Elsipogtog epic: How a tribe’s fight against an energy company caught fire
Last fall, New Brunswick's protests against gas drilling caught the world's attention by burning some vehicles. But their story has more to tell us about how this movement is changing.
Newt Gingrich spouts nonsense about dinosaurs and climate change
We called a climate scientist for a response, and he confirmed: Yep, it's nonsense.
Check out this shocking map of California’s drought
In the midst of cold weather extremes across most of the U.S., spare a thought for bone-dry California.
Why is Chris Christie silent on climate change, even as New Jersey is threatened by rising seas?
One environmentalist charges that the state has muzzled employees from talking about climate in relation to Superstorm Sandy. The Christie administration denies the charge.
Looney tuna: Did anyone really pay $2 million for a fish?
The first bluefin tuna sold at Tsukiji fish market didn't command millions this year (if it ever did). That's good news for endangered sushi.
Food industry’s secret plan for a GMO (non)-labeling law
Leaked documents show that national legislation favored by industry would bar states from passing labeling laws with teeth.
Many Countries Reaching Diminishing Returns in Fertilizer Use
When German chemist Justus von Liebig demonstrated in 1847 that the major nutrients that plants removed from the soil could be applied in mineral form, he set the stage for the development of the fertilizer industry and a huge jump in world food production a century later. Growth in food production during the nineteenth century […]