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A glitter-covered banner got these protesters arrested for staging a bioterrorism hoax
Energy giants have lobbied police to treat environmental activists like potential terrorists. Looks like it's working.
Here’s what we’ll do with your gift
Thanks for helping Grist end the year with a bang. We intend to put your dollars to good use.
Vitamin D’oh: Your multivitamins aren’t doing a damn thing
A group of influential doctors warn that there's no evidence multivitamins improve health. Should you take them anyway?
Sink tank: In Miami, climate scientists ask, “How deep, how soon?”
We know the seas are rising, the question is how fast -- and how quickly will our coastal cities have to adapt?
My expert advice: Donate to support green news now
Time's running out on Grist's vaunted annual tradition, the year-end fundraiser. Please donate to keep our (CFL) lights on.
In a nut shell: Only you can help us squirrel away a victory
We're nearly 1,000 donations away from our goal of 2,500 gifts. Please help us close the gap.
We’re still losing ice at the poles
The Arctic ice floats on the ocean, the Antarctic ice over land and sea, meaning that they melt different. But they're both melting.
Obama delayed regulations until after the election, but that’s just a symptom of the problem
The whole federal regulatory system has been perverted by industry interests.
Are hurricanes getting stronger?
Science may finally be approaching an answer.
Only one day left to support Grist
Our winter fundraising drive is nearly over. Please support our talented pool of writers and editors with a gift today.