Here’s a blog devoted entirely to geothermal energy in Washington state. Apparently there’s a need:

The hot zone of California, Nevada (the Saudi Arabia of geothermal), Idaho and Oregon could produce tens of thousands of megawatts along the spine of the Sierra Nevadas and Cascades. Washington state sits on the edge of this hot zone. The 34 thermal hot springs throughout the state are just the surface of our potential. Yet, Washington state has zero megawatts of geothermal. “It also has zero planned, proposed or within the plant approval process, even though we have excellent potential,” laments Susan Petty, one of the world’s leading geothermal reservoir engineers. However, there is now news of International Paper assessing their geothermal potential with a partner.

So if you had any questions about geothermal energy in Washington state — now you know where to go.