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In a new video from Funny or Die and Defend Our Future, some famous older Americans give you a great reason to care about climate change: Because they don’t — they’ll be dead, silly.

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“Asking me about climate change is like asking me what I want to be when I grow up,” says 81-year-old actor Bill Cobbs, adding that at least climate change would “take care of our country’s Florida problem.”

While the video, featured in the Huffington Post, is tongue-in-cheek, there is some truth to it: Older voters are less likely than younger folks to care about addressing climate change. Another 2016 poll found that 80 percent of millennials believe the United States should transition to renewable energy by 2030.

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Of course, millennials have something their elders don’t: A future.

“Worry about climate change?” says 86-year-old Ed Asner. “That’s an after-I’m-dead problem.”

Lucky Ed. As for the rest of us, sorry, but there’s plenty of reason to keep worrying.