Dear god, how adorable is Chris P. Bacon, the teeny four-pound pigling who trundles around in a wheelchair made of K’NEX? Look at this little guy go!

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Chris P. Bacon was born without the use of his back legs, but has gotten pretty adept at running and playing using only his front trotters. In fact, as you can see in the video, he’s almost too good at it for the wheelchair to be any help —  in his general excitement about being alive and being a tiny pig, he keeps hoisting his butt and the whole apparatus off the ground. But his owner says that the wheels have now been weighted down a bit, so it works better.

Even without the wheelchair, which was built for him by veterinarian Len Lucero, Chris P. Bacon is a powerhouse of prosh piggery:

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But even an indomitable piglet gets tired:

And now I am dead. That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.