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Koala-ty, Not Quantity
The U.S. irritated Australia this week by listing the koala bear as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Although wild koalas are found only in Australia, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hopes the listing will raise awareness of their plight as well as prohibit trade in koalas by anyone subject to U.S. laws. […]
It's high time people stopped shooting mountain lions
V It’s legal to kill a mountain lion in most Western states if it threatens your safety or the safety of your property (including livestock and pets). Williams thus had the legal right to kill that lion. But did she have the moral right? My, what a big kitty. Photo: Predator Defense Institute. One of […]
One Little, Two Little, One Billion Little Indians
India’s population is expected to hit 1 billion tomorrow, making it the second country to pass that mark. China, which now has an estimated 1.3 billion citizens, was the first. Although India had the first official family-planning program in the developing world, the nation is still growing by 15 million people a year. Half of […]
Phnom-enally Bad
Uncontrolled logging is destroying Cambodia’s forests, fueled by greed, corruption, and incompetence, according to a report released yesterday by the Asian Development Bank. The bank recommended that the Cambodian government cancel a number of logging contracts, and the government seems open to the idea. Environmentalists have been warning for years that rampant logging and government […]
An Open and Shut-up Case
As more and more Americans flock to national forests for recreation, enviros are pushing the U.S. Forest Service to restrict or ban motorized vehicles on forest land. Off-road-vehicle users and their increasingly vocal lobbying groups are fighting back against such proposals. “This is the new land battle of the 2000s,” says Bob Jennings, a member […]
Wow, As Clean As New York City!
Facing severe air pollution that is threatening the health of both people and the economy, the Hong Kong government yesterday announced a broad plan aimed at cutting automobile emissions by at least a third within two years. The package of regulations will, among other things, impose higher taxes on dirty diesel fuel and give grants […]
(For Those About to Rock) We Cellucci You
Massachusetts’s six oldest and dirtiest power plants must halve their emissions and become as clean and efficient as new plants within three years, Gov. Paul Cellucci (R) announced yesterday. The federal Clean Air Act exempts plants built before 1977 from meeting current pollution limits, but Massachusetts will now become the first state to require its […]
And We'll Have Fund, Fund, Fund …
Socially responsible mutual funds, which screen the environmental and social records of companies in which they invest, have outperformed many traditional mutual funds in recent years and are still performing decently despite recent sharp losses in the technology sector. The 54 socially responsible funds tracked by the Morningstar financial information firm were up more than […]
Before They Hit the Road, They're Hitting the Roads
The Clinton-Gore administration today will release a draft proposal that would ban road-building on 43 million acres of roadless national forest land while letting local forest officials decide whether to prohibit activities such as logging, mining, and off-road vehicle use. Enviros who had praised President Clinton when he broadly outlined the roadless plan in October […]