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40 Acres and a Stubborn Mule Named Lloyd
Environmentalists praised a Supreme Court decision yesterday to let stand a ruling that makes it more difficult for landowners to get compensated when government regulations prevent them from developing their land. Lloyd Good owns 40 acres in Florida, primarily wetlands, and had wanted to build a luxury waterfront development on the land. When federal officials […]
Halt! U'wa Goes There!
A Colombian court last week ordered Occidental Petroleum Corp. to halt temporarily all work on a large oil drilling project in a rainforest area that the native U’wa tribe claims as ancestral land. The court ruled that the U’wa had not been properly consulted about the development. Occidental and its partner in the project, the […]
Magic Beans
Coffee roasters and importers met with environmentalists and other groups last week and agreed to develop a labeling system for Mexican coffee that would assure consumers that the beans have been grown in an environmentally conscious way and that the growers have been treated well and paid a fair price for their work. The new […]
All the Dams That Are Fit to Breach
An editorial in yesterday’s New York Times urged the federal government to protect threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead species by breaching four dams on the lower Snake River in Washington state. Most scientists believe that breaching would be the most effective step to help the salmon, the newspaper argues, and the economic fallout would […]
Fuel's Progress
What an upset! Oil-burning New Englanders watch their heating bills double. Truck drivers protest higher diesel costs by jamming Washington, D.C., streets with their rigs. Congress, in its wisdom, offers to combat a 60-cent jump in gasoline prices with a four-cent tax cut. Our energy secretary runs around the Middle East begging for just a […]
Jacqui Hellyer, Sydney Olympics
Jacqui Hellyer is manager of environmental communications for the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG). Monday, 3 Apr 2000 SYDNEY, Australia Well I’ve started the week on a high note, after having spent a wonderful weekend camping at Jervis Bay, a national park two hours south of Sydney. The absolutely pristine white sands, […]
King of the World Meets Leader of the Free World
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio interviewed President Clinton on the topic of global warming Friday, for an Earth Day special that will air on April 22 on ABC. Clinton discussed his policy on climate change and efforts to make the White House more eco-friendly, according to White House spokesperson Jake Siewert. “I thought it was an interesting, […]
GM-y Cracked Corn
American farmers are expected to plant 24 percent less genetically modified (GM) corn this year than they did last year, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture study released on Friday. Declines are also expected in plantings of GM soybeans and cotton, a reaction to growing consumer resistance to biotech crops, particularly in Europe. Meanwhile, […]
Brown Nosing
Presidential hopeful George W. Bush today will unveil a plan for cleaning and redeveloping brownfields, or polluted industrial sites, as part of an effort to give himself a greener tint as he goes head to head with Al Gore. In a speech in suburban Pittsburgh, Bush plans to announce that he would direct the U.S. […]