Articles by Sarah Miller
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We think this kid who licked an entire subway rail should donate himself to science
This is one of the grosser ways you could interact with public transportation. But on the plus side, it could be of use to modern medicine!
How we can slow global warming by smashing up an asteroid
Do not worry about global warming. Seriously. We are going to explode asteroids, and then, we're going to hide behind them, and it's going to be GREAT.
Thanks to climate change, Texas is up to its ears in dead crickets
Texas is having a very big problems with crickets and it's not just that the crickets are really gross, it's that when they die, they smell really bad.
McDonald’s video claims their beef is not really that bad
McDonald's makes a video to show people that their beef is as pure as the driven snow, and even includes a few lol questions from wary consumers.