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Articles by Ted Glick

Ted Glick is the national policy director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Past writings and more information can be found here.

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  • Obama’s Lincoln Moment?

    “Those of us in positions of responsibility will need to be less concerned with the judgment of special interests and well-connected donors, and more concerned with the judgment of our children.” Barack Obama, June 29 national radio address I’ll admit it—I was moved several times as I watched and listened to President Barack Obama’s major […]

  • Ernest Moniz and the Growing No-Fracking Movement

    It is very unfortunate that Ernest Moniz, the new Energy Secretary, is, like Barack Obama, an “all of the above” energy guy. In his first week in office last week, he said some good things publicly about energy efficiency and solar, wind and geothermal energy. The problem, however, is that Moniz is a big supporter […]

  • Appalachians Make Toxic Water Delivery to EPA

    Over 100 people, primarily Appalachia residents, took action today at the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C., calling for the EPA to use its powers to end mountaintop removal. 15 people, including a couple of youth no older than 10, risked arrest by sitting in front of a main entrance to EPA. […]

  • Hunger Strike on 27th Day

    As I write this Brian Eister is on the 27th day of a water-only climate hunger strike outside the American Petroleum Institute in Washington, D.C. The only thing he has consumed since April 1st is water, sodium and potassium. Brian’s latest posts on his website,, report on both his continuing resolve but also the […]