Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Matt Ridley’s optimistic, but not so rational, take on bee collapse
The Wall Street Journal's Matt Ridley tries to debunk beekeepers' worries about a Bayer pesticide, but government scientists are concerned too.
Matt Ridley’s optimistic, but not so rational, take on bee collapse
The Wall Street Journal's Matt Ridley tries to debunk beekeepers' worries about a Bayer pesticide, but government scientists are concerned too.
In a stunning reversal, USDA chief Vilsack greenlights Monsanto’s alfalfa
After weeks of hinting that the USDA would restrict planting of GMO alfalfa to protect organic growers, the USDA chief jarringly reversed course, giving Monsanto's latest seed a full green light. I guess it's all part of Obama's push to prove he's business-friendly.
Seattleite Michael Hebb dishes on his concept of 'table-making' [VIDEO]
In Seattle food activist Michael Hebb's mind, table-making isn't about hammers and nails. It's about reviving the art of conversation and convivial eating.