Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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We need trains to 'win the future' — so get over that deficit hysteria
High-speed rail does not materialize with the snap of a finger or the uttering of inspiring words in a State of the Union speech. It costs public money.
Yo quiero lots of weird and unpronounceable ingredients
Now that we know that Taco Bell's "seasoned beef" is mostly made up of extenders and "flavor enhancers," I got to wondering what other weird things lace the fast food giant's delicacies. Attention, truth-in-advertising lawyers: we've got a strawberry-free "Strawberry Frutista"!
With food-system reform slowed to a crawl, local initiatives come to fore
Food-policy reform at the national level isn't getting anywhere fast. But don't get depressed; organize at the local level!
Top USDA bee researcher also found Bayer pesticide harmful to honeybees
Remember the case of the leaked document showing that the EPA's own scientists are concerned about a pesticide it approved that might harm fragile honeybee populations? Well, it turns out that USDA researchers also have good evidence that these nicotine-derived chemicals could be playing a part in Colony Collapse Disorder. So why on earth are they still in use on millions of acres of American farmland?