It doesn’t seem fair that car-owning people can use parking spots (or rent them at extremely low rates) to store their cars, but the car-free don’t get to use them to store our stuff. We have 50 cents, and we live here too! Fortunately, Milanese designer Matteo Cibic has found an easy way for the car-free to share this public space: We can use it to park our wifi hotspot trees on wheels.
Cibic wanted his neighborhood to have more trees. And he wanted to rent a parking space in order to install them. But since we’re talking renting, not owning, the trees had to be mobile. And because this is tight urban space we’re talking about here, why not use it for more than one purpose? Hence, mobile wifi hotspot tree trolleys.
This is how Cibic imagines it:
It’s a tree, parked like a car! Also it has a USB charger and lights the street at night. This is probably as close as we’re ever going to get to Ents in the real world, so I say we should go for it and hope that if Evil ever threatens to take over, they’ll be on our side.