Day 36: Scenes from the BP oil spill disaster. Embattled CEO walks oil-stained beach. Embattled president caught in Rand Paul/Sarah Palin firestorm. Oily, pink people turn angry and naked in Houston. Rachel Maddow, Steven Chu, Sylvia Earle, and so much more …
Last night, Rachel Maddow devoted most of her show to the oil spill, including an interview with seemingly distraught BP CEO Tony Hayward:
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And here’s Maddow’s with Energy Secretary Steven Chu:
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Sarah Palin says Obama is sleeping with BP, because the oil giant gave him more money than any other candidate in the last Presidential election.
Watchdog group, Media Matters, says Palin’s claims are untrue. BP as a corporation did not give Obama more funding than other politicians. Their employees did.
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On “Face the Nation,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs reponds to Sarah Palin and answers questions about the oil spill and the administration’s response. Aren’t you glad you don’t have his job?
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Man of the hour Rand Paul rags on Obama for ragging on BP. That kind of talk is just “un-American,” said Paul. But, wait. Wasn’t America founded by people criticizing Brits?
Codepink activitists in Houston take off their clothes and put on some oil — lots of it — to protest BP. Then they sing, “The eyes of Texas are upon you.”
Sarah Palin keeps signing autographs and keeps shilling for drilling. “We need to keep drilling because if we don’t drill for a year, we’re going to be more and more reliant on foreign countries that have even less stringent environmental standards,” Palin told ABC News.
Finally. Someone who knows what they’re talking about. Oceanographer Sylvia Earle talks about the disastrous oil spell adding “insult to injury.”