GreenTechMedia reports:

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday signed an executive order that would speed up renewable energy development and require 33 percent of utilities’ electrical power to come from renewable sources by 2030.

The governor is aiming to use Executive Order S-14-08 to compel two state agencies, the California Energy Commission and the Department of Fish and Game, to work more closely on dealing with conflicts between renewable energy developers and environmentalists over building power plants and transmission lines (see California Lukewarm to Sunrise Powerlink).

This executive order will maintain California’s dual leadership in the renewable power and energy efficiency.

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As California goes, so goes the nation. Under Obama, you can expect a much stronger federal renewable portfolio standard and expedited transmission line siting and permitting.

If the Obama administration can successfully translate the best policies from California and other states, then we need never build another traditional coal plant again.

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Kudos to Arnold. He would indeed make a very capable secretary of energy.

This post was created for, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.