On Monday, BP was forced to take an unusual step — recalling unleaded gas in Indiana.
BP believes a 50,000 barrel batch of regular grade gasoline blended at BP’s Whiting, Indiana gasoline storage terminal between August 13th and 17th contained a higher than normal level of polymeric residue and this residue can cause hard starting and other drivability issues. The fuel may have been purchased by motorists patronizing BP and other retail outlets in Northwest Indiana during the past seven days.
Indeed, the fuel was purchased by BP customers — some 7,000 of them, who bought the fuel at 200 stations in and around Chicago.
The good news for the company is that web traffic to BPResponse.com, off since its 2010 peak, has started to climb back up. At the site, the company notes that it “stands by every gallon of gasoline we sell” — except, I assume, the gallons that screw with your car and need to be recalled.