Climate Climate & Energy
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Yikes: Avoiding dangerous climate change is still possible, but just barely
The chances of stopping catastrophic global temperature rise are not nil, exactly, but they are slim-to-nil, according to a new report prepared for the U.K. government. David Roberts analyzes our chances.
New eBay for recyclable oils makes it way easier to power your biodiesel car
It's cheap and easy to use but hard to get, but possibly getting easier, with the first ever online marketplace for recycled oils.
Four decades of BS coal ads has amassed quite a collection of misleading coal ads, misrepresenting coal’s safety, its abundance, its environmental impact, and how likely it is to save us from totalitarianism. Here we present samples of ads by coal companies and coal industry front groups from the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, and ’00s — showing that the more things […]
Wolves are no longer endangered, so go kill some wolves
Lifting the animals' endangered status is more popular among people who like to shoot things than people who are generally opposed to shooting things.
What runners can teach us about sustainability
Today in the U.S., we have a “sprint culture” -- an addiction to speed and quick rewards. We need to slow down and begin to find a rhythm for a long-distance run.
Photos: See ya later, lovely glaciers
A new book by photographer James Balog captures in vivid color just what’s at stake as climate change erodes ice in some of the world’s most extreme places.
Fracking and the road to a clean energy future
Geophysicist Mark Zoback says natural gas squeezed from shale can be a crucial and clean(ish) short-term energy fix -- if we’re careful about how we get it.
Apple’s massive solar farm looks kind of awesome from the air
Apple is building a giant solar farm to power a data center in North Carolina, and GigaOM has aerial shots that show just how huge it is. The pictures were taken by North Carolina television station WCNC-TV. At 100 acres, this is going to be the world’s largest privately owned solar panel farm — you […]
U.S. exit signs use as much power as West Virginia
The country's 100 million lighted exit signs use 30 to 35 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year
Expect a colder winter thanks to Arctic ice melt
The journal Nature rounds up what we should expect from this year's unprecedented Arctic ice melt.